
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Santa Claus in Hospital the videos!!!

I've uploaded the videos (10 in all) on my youtube account and it's on this playlist:-

UOMMSS's Santa Claus in Hospital playlist

Then on the youtube site, if you wanna play all the videos automatically, click on "Play all videos" on the right or... you can still click on the videos individually, no problem.

An information for the public: The Santa Claus in Hospitals was a gift-distribution-type-sort-of event organised by the UOMMSS last december (on the 22th)... The objective was to bring Santa to kids in the paediatric ward of J.Nehru Hospital in Rose Belle, Mauritius, and to make sure that they had a good time in our company..I'm sure they had fun; we did!!

You can also use the embedded media player on this blog to play the movies:-


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