
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bring And Buy

Tomorrow, the 29th of October 2007, the University of Mauritius Medical Students Society is organizing a "Bring and Buy" at the university itself, in the cubicle near the stairs down from the Faculty of Agriculture (the stone building)...

We hope that it will be a success as the funds that we will manage to scrap into our piggy bank will be used for future activities in the name of the society that will benefit the campus in a great way (e.g we are planning to do a lot of stuff that will benefit also other tertiary institutions, like the SSR Medical School, L'Ecole Hoteliere, the UTM etc on the occasion of the World Diabetes day on the 12th of November)

May I also make notice that Medical Science students also participated actively in the national screening programme organised at the Trianon Shopping Park on the 30th of September, in association with the Heart Network of Mauritius, for the World Heart Day.

[I, a year 3 medical student, personally stayed on my feet 3 hours in a row to channel people to the various tables for screening and..euh.. ok forget it.]

1 comment:

medic2005 said...

Bring and Buy t-mo!

Bring your friends etc!